
Top 5 Commercials That I Love And Admire

5) U Mobile---Good Design, Stupid Slang

Favourite Quote: Kenapa!!
Favourite Moment: That stupid yet KIAM PA face when saying KENAPA!! For more KENAPA!!, watch here.
4) Tracia---KIAM PA, Stupid Pose

[No video]
[Can be found in TV nowadays...]

Favourite Quote: Tracia 亮丽您的秀发!!
Favourite Moment: When the group of girls stupidly open their mouths while shaking their body.
3) Maxis---Creative, Funny Music, Funny Slang, Stupid Idea

Favourite Quote: By being a better man, you can be a better fan.
Favourite Moment: Whenever I hear that slang.
2) Mercedes---Creative, Cute, Different, Special, Good Music

Favourite Quote: You are the one, for me, for me, for me......
Favourite Moment: When he floods the toy car with water.
1) Gatsby---Sexy, Fantastic music, 'Gay'-Like Character, Alluring, Just Like It..

Favourite Quote: I... I can give you Gatsby....
Favourite Moment: When he keeps on spinning his hair and his body at the same time.