My computer=XP
I manage to do some changes to my desktop making it to look much attractive yet beautiful. Few softwares are needed to enhance your desktop as mine.
1) Yahoo Widgets
Widgets such as dictionary, weather forecast, flag pole, clock are from Yahoo!Widgets.......XD
Google it and search for it and most of all HAVE FUN WITH IT.
2) Object Dock
The one-row-thing on top of my desktop having my computer, my pictures and so on. That's Object Dock. U can download it here.
3) Rainlendar 2
This is the calendar. Download here.
4) Wallpaper
Of course, have your own favourite wallpaper. If u like mine, can always ask me to send it to u.
5) Zune Theme
That's what make my desktop to be in orange-black condition(the start button for example).
6) CursorFX
Make my mouse to be different from the classic mouse icon. Seems cool. However, some of CursorFX mouse icon may not be used as it's not a total freeware, u may need to pay for other 'cooler' mouse icon. But mine is enough cool liao. Download here.
That's all u need to enhance your lovely desktop.
Dylan's Ns life
14 years ago
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