

Before u start reading, plz read through here.

Thus, 小羊 simply means those who like to follow, try, mengikut jejak, focus on something that others have done recently. So, who are they and what have they did? Of course, 吃草 lah. But in the process, they spread news, gossips, informations to other 小羊. This is what we call 一羊传虚, 万羊传实 lo. But why? 小羊自High? Nobody knows.

What Have They Did:-
a) Blogging
=Who start blogging? Yu Han羊. Then, I followed and mengakibatkan 龟Kooi羊 (likes to pretend himself as a 乌龟 but as we all know, he's a 小羊) to follow. After that, Mr. Anxy羊~Teh羊~LHY羊~JJ羊~Pengawas羊~Melvic羊~Mr. Cian Yi羊~Mr. mpiano羊 followed. 物以类聚,羊以群分?

b) Gossips Spreading In Blog
=双Yu恋, 含光恋, 龟Kooi恋? Which 羊spread? Want bukti?Go here:-
1) Teh
2) 龟Kooi羊
3) Nobody羊

c) Gossips Spreading In School
=Haiz...Well, I 自首. I'm also one of the 小羊 who spreaded most of the gossips. But, there are more 小羊 out there 吃着草, 放着话.(最大只的大羊可能就在你附近) Beware! But u cant never kill them all because 江东小羊多才俊, 卷土重来未可知 ah.

We should do nothing:-
Therefore, what should we do? We must know that 三人行, 必有一羊焉 lo. So if u really can put your hands on them, it's still no use cuz these 小羊 know how to 亡羊而补牢. WTF? So how?

We should mengikut jejak and become another 小羊:-
So if we cannot beat them, we join them. If others ask u why u join? U just answer 一片冰心在玉壶. (Becuase 洛亲友如相问, 一片冰心在玉壶)

Finally, 但愿羊长久, 千里共婵娟. 小羊万岁万岁万万岁!!!